The Xi’an Incident, also known as the “Double Twelfth Incident,” was a pivotal event in Chinese history. To save the nation from peril and to persuade Chiang Kai-shek to abandon his established policy of “pacifing the interior before resisting foreign aggression” and to end the civil war in order to unify the country against Japan. Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng decided to stage a military coup. They detained Chiang Kai-shek, who had come to Shaanxi to supervise the campaign, in Lintong, leading to the shocking Xi’an Incident.
The Xi’an Incident and its peaceful resolution hold a significant place in the development of Chinese society. They played an irreplaceable role in the progress of Chinese society and facilitated the establishment of the Anti-Japanese National United Front.(翻译:马金梅 校对:田雨荷)