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发布日期:2024-05-13  作者:  来源:   阅读次数:



When discussing the establishment of a new international economic order with French President Giscard d'Estaing, Deng Xiaoping pointed out that the US and the Soviet Union cannot dominate the world without controlling Europe. The political, economic, and military influence of Europe cannot be overlooked, provided that Europe can unite and strengthen itself. It is reasonable for developing countries to demand changes to the old economic system and the establishment of a new economic order that aligns with the current realities of the world economy. The Chinese government supports this stance. There are mainly two countries that firmly uphold the old economic system: the United States and the Soviet Union. European countries, France in particular, advocate for dialogue rather than confrontation with oil-producing countries to resolve energy issues. We appreciate this stance. It is devoid of controversy for the third world to propose that the issue of oil be considered together with that of other raw materials. By adopting the dialogue approach advocated by France, we can find a reasonable solution to address raw material and energy issues.

(供稿:贾静雯 吴情 英文校对:田雨荷 苟小亮)